Character Complexes (Pet Peeves)

I'm sure there have been others who have made a blog about this, but this is my blog so whatevs.

I get that your OFC (original female character for those of you who don't know) is a girl with image problems. I get that she's self conscious. I get that all girls are self conscious and have image problems. But because she's got all that and more, please explain to me why she is portrayed by Miranda Kerr or Cara Delevingne or Vanessa Hudgens or any other motha' fuckin' celebrity? (and may I just point out that no, this is not an angry rant blog or anything, I'm just a little bit confused and like to swear)

It seriously bothers me when you've got a character who's self conscious and has low self esteem and thinks that she's "average" when in all honesty, the girl you've chosen to portray your character is an airbrushed beauty queen in the picture you've selected. Now I'm not saying that she's obsessed with looking pretty and is a total diva, I'm just saying that she's, in society's sense, beautiful. Flawless. Gorgeous, sexy, pretty, whatever. If you're gonna choose that actress/model/famous person to portray your character, at least show that they've got flaws, choose a picture of them looking normal, not a picture from a photo shoot for Nylon or Elle or (Teen) Vogue.

Example (and this is in one of those "hi im new here and i love vampires and werewolves" stories, please don't take offense or else (no guarantees) I may cry):

"I was average looking with ugly and long blonde hair and very dull, lifeless blue eyes."


Maybe you agree with me, maybe you don't, but I think that girl's gorgeous. Her blonde hair is not ugly, and although muted because of the quality of the picture, her eyes are very much neither dull nor lifeless.

If you're gonna point out your characters' physical flaws within your stories, don't make your picture of what they're supposed to look like absolutely contradict your description. Show that they have flaws, or don't point them out at all. If you want your character to be flawed but have them look beautiful, make them have emotional or moral flaws or some other shit, because we all know we don't want someone we or our readers would think of as "ugly" to portray one of our characters. Sorry if my grammar was shit or if I offended you, it just bothers me a little bit.
April 28th, 2013 at 06:45am