I Always Loose People

Why is it when lift starts to look good for me I always loose the people I care about the most? With in the last mouth I have lost my baby brother, my big brother and my now my dog. I lost my baby brother to drugs and he looking at prison time and I don't even know when i'll see him again. That what hurts me the most with him not know when or even if i'll ever see him ever again. I wright him as much as I can I just miss hearing his voice and him here picking on me. I'd anything to get him back home and I do mine anything. With my big brother I don't understand why he is being the way he is with me I told him what I knew and he still don't believe. I'v never lied to him and I don't know why he thinks I would start now I never have I'd just like to know who told him I did. I just hope it's not who I think it is he even asked me if and I told him no I didn't lie to you I didn't read what was said. I just got to let it do it's thing I guess that is all I can do. I just wish he would see how much it hurts me to see him and might say 20 words to me if that. I just pray he opens his eyes and realize I didn't lie to him. On top that now I got to give my dog up 'cause she dose have a attitude like mine she is a Boxer Pit bull mix and i love her so much but she keeps on attacking my nephew Pit bull mix witch is the sweetest dog we do have. I do know she will be going to a good place it's the people I got her from i'm sure they will bring her to see me sometimes so that's good. So that means I have lost so many people that I love i'm don't understand why I loose everyone. Just for once in my life i'd like to keep the people I get close to. I know that won't happen for me.
April 28th, 2013 at 07:03am