100 Truths||I made a serious social outreach this weekend.

1) Last beverage → Water

2) Last phone call → My mother making sure I made it back to college safely.

3) Last text message → Heidi telling me we'd study tonight.

4) Last song you listened to → "Stay" by MBLAQ

5) Last time you cried → Thursday. I had to explain to mother why I was in a bitchy mood and it was because I wasn't ready to quit on my horse. It was our last run Thursday night.

Six Have You Ever's

6) Dated someone twice? : Ha, no.

7) Been cheated on? : Nope

8) Kissed someone and regretted it? : Never been kissed.

9) Lost someone special? : Too many times.

10) Been depressed? : Maybe not clinically, but I've had some low points. Don't think it was exactly being "depressed" though.

11) Been drunk and threw up? : I don't drink.

List Four Favorite Colors

12) Dark purple

13) Black

14) Lime Green

15) Gray

Have You...
16) Made new friends? → Yes! College is full of new friend opportunities! :)

17) Fallen out of love? → Perhaps.

18) Laughed until you cried? → Yes, best feeling in the world.

19) Met someone who changed you? → Yes. Several of them are on Mibbs Town.

20) Found out who your true friends were? → Yes. :)

21) Found out someone was talking about you? → Yeah.

22) Kissed anyone on your friend's list? → Nope

23) How many people on your friends list do you know in real life? → Erm, if we're talking about Mibba...none. FB, pretty much all of them.

24) How many kids do you want to have? → NONE.

25) Do you have any pets? → Two dogs(Chaz & Ranger), two barn cats, a goat, and seven horses.

26) Do you want to change your name? → Nah.

27) What did you do for your last birthday? → Took one of my college friends home and had a movie night with friends from home. Paranormal Activity 3 was included; DeLynn sat behind the couch and watched another movie because the first one scared her too much the previous year. xD

28) What time did you wake up today? → Nine

29) What were you doing at midnight last night? → Surfing the web.

30) Name something you CANNOT wait for? → Going to Seattle, seeing Dwight Yoakum this summer, and hopefully seeing Kamelot in September.

31) Last time you saw your father? → Nine years ago.

32) What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? → Have my dad back.

33) What are you listening to right now? → "Keep Your Head Down" TVXQ

34) Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? → My dad's name was Tom so yes. c:

35) What's getting on your nerves right now? → Finals and my lack of wanting to study for them. Look, I'm doing this instead!

36) Most visited webpage? → Mibba

37) What's your name? → Kylee Mae...Han. >.>

38) Nicknames? → Don't really have one. I do like it when people call be Ky though.

39) Relationship Status? → nalina. is my beautiful girlfriend and I'm married to Han Geng so...

40) Zodiac sign? → Libra

41) Male or female or transgender? → Female last time I checked. Though I think I was called "sir" one time.

42) Elementary? → Opportunity School District 60. I was there from K-7th. It went from 20 students to two in that amount of time. It was a country school four miles from my house.

43) Middle School? → Lynch Public School

44) High school? → Lynch Public School

45) Hair color? → Blonde with brown and red.

46) Long or short? → In between?

47) Height? → 5'7"-ish?

48) Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes. -.- I sorta talked to him this weekend! :D

49) What do you like about yourself? → Erm...forearms?

50) Piercings? → Typical ears

51) Tattoos? → One day, yes!

52) Righty or lefty? → Um, well. I write right handed, but do about everything else with my left. Especially when it involves sports. So...

53) First surgery? → Got some calcified hair folical out of my arm.

54) First piercing? → Ears when I was around 13-14.

55) First best friends? → Shelby Sanford. She lived across the highway. Still see each other, but its a complicated thing. We really don't like each other and are just nice to each other to be civil people.

56) First sport you joined? → Soccer when I was like...a 3rd grader?

57) First pet? → Dak, an Australian Shephard/Border Collie cross. He was the greatest dog and my guardian angel. My parents got him to keep track of me when I was like two or three. He followed me around until his last year.

58) First vacation? → I don't even know. Iowa, maybe? Montana?

59) First concert? → Garth Brooks at Cheyanne Frontier Days. I was too young to remember so I had to call my mom and ask. xD

60) First crush? → Tanner, kid I went to country school with. He could be mean sometimes.

Right Now
61) Eating? → Nothing.

62) Drinking? → Water

63) I'm about to → Study, maybe.

64) Listening to → "Over the Hills and Far Away" by Nightwish

65) Waiting for → Heidi's text.

66) Want kids? → NO.

67) Want to get married? → Maybe, depends if a guy can handle my lack of sexuality.

68) Careers in mind? → Published author, editor, journalist for an agriculture/equine magazine, teach English in Japan/South Korea/China

Which Is Better For The Opposite Sex?
69) Lips or eyes? → Eyes.

70) Hugs or kisses? → Hugs.

71) Shorter or taller? → Taller.

72) Older or Younger? → Older.

73) Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic.

74) Nice stomach or nice arms? → Stomach.

75) Sensitive or loud? → Sensitive? But not overly.

76) Hook-up or relationship? → Relationship.

77) Trouble maker or hesitant? → Hesitant.

Have You Ever
78) Kissed a stranger? → Nope.

79) Drank hard liquor? → Apparently, Dad let me drink beer once when I threw a fit when I thought it was pop and he wouldn't let me drink it. I don't rememeber it, but it obviously wasn't to my liking.

80) Lost glasses/contacts? → Yes, I've lost my glasses like...twice.

81) Sex on first date? → Never even been on a date.

82) Broken someone's heart? → I don't think so.

83) Have you had your own heartbroken → Yes. -.-

84) Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes.

85) Been arrested → Nope.

86) Turned someone down → Yes and it was an amazing moment for me! :D First time I was ever asked. /facepalm

87) Cried when someone died? → Yes.

88) Liked a friend that is a girl? → Nikita the Nicotine Ninja from the Netherlands. <--I did that without looking. xD

Do You Believe In...
89) Yourself? → Not really, unfortunately.

90) Miracles? → Yes. :)

91) Love at first sight? → Nope, not really.

92) Heaven? → Yes.

93) Santa Claus? → Nope

95) Kiss on the first date? → Not for me, no. I'd freak out and involuntarily slap them.

96) Angels? → Yes. :)

Answer Truthfully
97) Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes, my husband. Or my girlfriend. c;

98) Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? → Nope, never been in a relationship.

99) Would you go back in time to change something? → Yes. There's too much to say.

100) Posting this as 100 Truths? → Why not?

So if you don't know me, then I'll let you know that I can't stand social situations if they involve me being the center of attention or starting up a conversation.

After the rodeo on Thursday, Mom, my cousin and her husband that came to watch me, and myself decided on Wednesday. As soon as I walk in, I saw him, the guy I've been crushing on. I could feel my face heating up instantly. He was with some other members from our rodeo team, including his brother who I have spoken to thanks to me being paired with him to work the strip chute at the rodeo.

I gathered up the courage while the bathroom to just say something in passing. So ask my cousin and I passed their table to find a seat, I said, "how're you guys tonight?"

That was it, that's what I said. And it was so nerve wracking because I thought they might ignore me. But his brother, Troy, looked right up at me and responded with a "good and you?" which I answered and then I asked them how they did that night at the rodeo and they answered. He may have, but it was mostly his brother. I couldn't even fully look at him because my face was flaming.

But I made my existence known and I was damn proud of myself. So was my mother. She was amazed. xD But I talked to him in general so at least I'm not a shadow. I'm such an outsider on the rodeo team because I don't go to the practices or party so...I'm just there at the rodeos with the same colored vest. xP

But Mom finally got a good look at him and agreed that he was cute. x3

-Aydios, lovlies.
April 29th, 2013 at 12:25am