Do You Even Have to Have a Brain to Be a School Administrator Anymore?

So, I bleached my hair Saturday night. Mind you, I've dyed my hair eight (now nine) times since fifth grade. Once I even had it dark green at the end of sophomore year and brown the beginning of junior year before I cut it all off around October (2011) so the whole school has seen me with colors besides my usual baby-shit blonde. My school is a private, Catholic school, but as long as you don't dye your hair an "unnatural" color, as far as the student handbook/dress code is concerned, you're kosher.


It's not pink. It's not blue. (How did I get away with the green hair you ask? I NEVER get into trouble and therefore simply never came into contact with our school's disciplinarian.) Seriously, it's a perfectly natural shade of blonde. In fact, it's about the same shade my hair used to be as a child before I dyed it nine times (and possibly still would be to this day if not for that fact)and the color that my little sister's hair is now.

So why the FUCK am I being told that if I don't have it dyed back to its natural color that I won't be able to participate in graduation events?! Seriously, this is my first offense EVER and the administration is flipping shit.

The disciplinarian, we'll call him "Mr. D", is saying it's a distraction, like nobody has seen bleached hair before AND LIKE 20%+ OF THE GIRLS IN MY SCHOOL DON'T BLEACH OR HIGHLIGHT THEIR HAIR TOO!

The school president, we'll just call him "Father" because he's a priest, was saying something about how they can't have a special set of rules just for me, which is a fucking laugh considering HOW THEY ARE BEING MORE STRICT WITH ME THAN THEY ARE THE REST OF THE FUCKING SCHOOL!!!

The principal hasn't seem my hair but I will be so fucking pissed if she says anything because HER DAUGHTER'S HAIR IS ONLY A COUPLE SHADES DARKER, and though most of it's natural, I wouldn't be surprised if she got highlights or something.

I'm sorry, but I'm fucking fuming. Not because the color. At this point, what the fuck ever. I've had hair the color of baby shit for seven years, I can go back to it for a week until I graduate. I'm not that fucking petty about my hair.

But telling me to DESTROY my hair by dying it back, that's where I get fucking pissed. Forget for a second that there is minor damage done to your hair when you bleach it. This is true. I accepted that fate when I did it. But this damage is minimal. What destroys people's hair is when they bleach and rebleach and dye and highlight and lowlight and every which other chemical you can do to your hair all on top of each other. I am not making my hair fall out by dying it two days after I bleached it because your think someone will be "distracted."

Which, by the way, NO ONE WAS DISTRACTED BY MY FUCKING HAIR. The only people who gave a flying fuck were a few of my friends (not even all) and the teachers I'm close to. AND THEY ALL LIKED IT! THEY SAID IT LOOKED GOOD!! Nobody stared at me. There was no gossip circling me all day. Nobody tripped because they were to busy looking at my hair to walk proper or lost their place in a conversation because they noticed my FUCKING HAIR. There was no fucking distraction. I could count the comments I received on my fingers and that is it. Seriously.

Not to mention, the girls who look worse than me. For one, TONS of girls at my school bleach their hair. Second, what about the girl who had purple hair for a week? Or the girl who bleached her hair as well, only SHE DIDN'T EVEN DO THE WHOLE THING SO SHE LOOKED LIKE A TRASHY SKUNK?! If they're going to call themselves "Catholic" and be that fucking hypocritical when all their favorite students wear skirts that barely fucking cover their ass and wear inch long fake nails and bleach their hair, so the fuck be it. That's their problem, and they can deal with the consequences from their "god."

But I think the part that makes me the ABSOLUTE ANGRIEST is the fact that when I asked my mom to call the admins, not only did Father not even bother to call her back, but when she got a hold of Mr. D, he mentioned the fact that I shave the sides of my head. You have no idea how fucking angry this makes me. I'm talking smashing things angry. Why, you ask? Oh, I don't fucking know, maybe the fact that NEVER ONCE HAS A SINGLE ADMINISTRATOR MENTIONED MY HAIR BEFORE TO ME SINCE I SHAVED OT THE FIRST TIME. (February-ish, I think...) I am not even joking. My hair has NEVER been an issue before. People tell me ALL the time how my hair is fabulous and really suits me. No one says it's inappropriate or that it is against school code. Why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT!! Not once in the student handbook does it say girls cant shave their hair or, in my case, just shave the sides. So why the fuck is it suddenly against the rules one week before graduation? Why the fuck does this problem have to magically appear out of thin air my last week of high school EVER? SINCE WHEN HAVE I EVER BEEN A FUCKING DISTRACTION?! I'M PRACTICALLY FUCKING INVISIBLE!!!!!!!

I guess I'm so angry because I had been so excited about this for the past two weeks. My friends and I had been talking about it, and everybody thought t would be really cool. My mom even agreed to it, AND PAID FOR IT, because she knew I wanted to do something special for graduation. It was just supposed to be a fun little something to enjoy while the rest of my class is getting tattoos and new cars. I just bleached my fucking hair and it turned out GOOD (thankfully). So why is this such a big problem with two people when the rest of the world is otherwise happy for me?
April 30th, 2013 at 12:39am