I was Achilles in a past life.

Whether you want to believe in reincarnation or not is up to you. But I was reading up on birthmarks and the theory of reincarnation just because I find it interesting. I'm not even sure if I really believe it myself or not but I was curious as any normal person is.

There is a theory that states birthmarks were where you died in a past life. I've had this birthmark on the inside of my ankle for as long as I can remember. It's right around where the Achilles tendon is and it's a perfect circle. I took Latin for the first two years of high school and I remember our teacher showing us that movie Troy with Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt has nothing to do with the point of my story but still.

Achilles was supposedly dipped in the river Styx by his mother and she held him by the ankle/heel. He was then vulnerable, only in that spot, because the waters of the river had not touched that spot. When Achilles was older and went to war against Troy, he was shot in the ankle, where he was most vulnerable, and died.

Congrats, Achilles. You have been reincarnated into a lazy teenage girl with a shitty blog and no talent. Woo!
April 30th, 2013 at 02:10am