Rant of the Day

Youtube is really starting to make me angry. I'll start from the beginning as to why. Since last year, I've been making amvs (anime music videos), and I've gotten really good at it. To this day, Youtube has never had an issue with me making them, until a few days ago.

I posted a video, one of my best, and said how I don't have any claim on the rights, blah blah blah, you know? The things that basically allow you to upload a video like this. But no, instead they take it down, and when I file a claim, stating all valid reasons on why I thought I should have been able to have it up, they put a strike on my account. This is ridiculous! And now, I've noticed that people who post soundtracks are getting copyrighted for their videos too. The music is disappearing, sound, etc. What's the point of youtube, if you can't post what you like?

Some people may have a different opinion than I do, but I find this completely annoying. And just... ugh. Why do you allow something to be posted on the internet in the first place, if you don't let people post it on youtube?
April 30th, 2013 at 08:25pm