Help! I need questions for my Q&A video. Oh.... AND SUPERNATURAL! Ohhh....AND DESTIEL!

Mmkay. So I've decided to do a Q&A video. I have posted this on all the pages I admin as well on Facebook. I've never done a Q&A before... and I've seen everyone do it so I said "hey, why not?" lol.
I need Questions. It can be any kind of question. Food, video games, music, sex, fetishes, porn, etc. lol. I honestly don't care. I am just doing this because I'm bored and I wanted to try something new.

Has anyone been keeping on Supernatural?! It's becoming super intense! Like. I am not giving any spoilers if you haven't seen it, but you need to watch it if you haven't. It's honestly the best t.v show ever! And lately, I have been into Destiel like hardcore. I mean, before I wouldn't read it and then I found one and fell in love and then started to read more....ANDDDD!!.. Now I'm addicted. I am thinking about writing a Destiel..
Good idea???

I hope I get questions/replies on this.

Loves and hugs <333

-Sapphire Sky
May 1st, 2013 at 10:11pm