Fun Fact about Rae: I talk too much read it here first...I talk way too much, and because I like to talk I decided to write a blog. Not quite sure where this blog will go, or if anyone will read it, but at least I will be able to get some talking out.

I am in a really good mood right now and I am thoroughly enjoying much so I am going out to get ice cream after dinner. Another fun fact about Rae...I'm a fat ass and I love food, preferably of the chocolate kind. Oh well.

Apparently I am really hyper right now and I am not quite sure why. I didn't eat anything today besides some tostitos and cheese (yum, be jealous). Another fun fact about Rae...when I get hyper, I talk even more than usual. Don't worry my friends have already reserved a place in heaven for putting up with me.

Moving along to another fun fact about Rae: I gag when I chew bubble gum...yep, I admitted it out loud and it sounds just as ridiculous as it does in my head. I assure you this does not translate to my oral giving skills...I give speeches perfectly fine. (Fucking dirtballs I know what you were thinking)

I am also very easily amused...I laugh 80% of the day and the other 20% I am sleeping. I love seeing people smile and I love it even more if I am the reason they are smiling. I love to tell lame jokes. It's kind of my thing. I just hate seeing people upset and will console a complete stranger. I'm always getting ridiculed by friends and family that I am just too nice to anyone I walk by. (Except for the douche who stole the gas pump I was patiently waiting for this morning...I told him to go fuck himself)

And as if you actually cared, here are a few more random fun facts about Rae:
1. I love science...I am a total nerd
2. I love anything to do with our planet and the solar system (revert back to number 1)
3. My dream is to install solar panels on my house (Go Green!)
4. I can't stand to have people dislike me
5. I have OCD...I blame that on a lot of my personality traits (and my disdain for the number 3 and all other odd numbers)
6. I dislike seafood (Nothing more to say about this)
7. I love getting to know people (seriously, I will ask hundreds of random questions at any given time)
8. I added this fun fact for the sole purpose that I didn't end on number 7 (revert back to number 5)

Wow, even after all of that I still feel like I could talk, dang it. Lets call this next segment 'Common Phrases Used By Rae' (original, I know.)

1. Dang it (I dont know why considering I curse like a trucker)
2. Holy God (Apparently I want to reassure people that God is Holy)
3. Good Golly (I blame this on the fact that my mother was 36 when she had me and was born in 1950)
4. I'm gonna sell you on ebay (I only say this to my daughter don't worry)
5. Jesus Mary and Joseph (I don't know where this came about, I am sure I was just trying to be "cool")
6. Shit (Apparently from several sources I say shit a lot...I was unaware)
7. For the record (I say this more often then any one person ever should)
8. (Yet again ended on 7 and couldn't have that happen...Fack)

Well I am sure there is more Rae-isms but I can't think right now because I am too focused on getting my damn ice cream. On that note, I will let everyone be (and by everyone I mean the three people who actually read to this point :P) Have a fantastical night! My inbox is always open, just bare in mind everything I told you tonight.

May 2nd, 2013 at 02:10am