
Right now, I'm in a pretty good moment between a bunch of essays and projects, and finals. I don't have much going on except for one final next week, before the week after that and I have many finals and papers! That's why I haven't updated at all, because of damn papers. I had six papers, 2 projects and 1 presentation with a partner. So, now that it's done, I'm starting to type-up everything.
I'm in the middle of writing out some great story idea's, for one. I have a bunch of Fall Out Boy stuff I'm working on.
But first! I'm going to finish typing up the latest chapter of Jake and Amir, that I didn't finish before. Then I'm going to finish writing that. I'm going to probably give it five chapters! I had some writers block, but I think I can work through it. That's one of my priorities, to finish as much as possible before finals! I'm hoping to have the unfinished chapter typed out and posted by this weekend, then another chapter before the end of the weekend!
Then, I'm going to write the sequel for the Jalex fic, because I really need to think about it. I'm not sure when this is going to be out, like I said, I need to think about it. I have a couple of ideas, but nothing solid.

Here's a list of stories I have written (for the most part) and will be posted soon:
Save Rock and Roll series of Peterick fics, all based on the songs of the new album.
Joe/Andy fic about when Andy first joined Fall Out Boy and Joe being a fan-boy.
Zack/Vic young men in high school and Vic gives Zack a ride on his bike. This one is supposed to be pretty silly.
Patrick/Pete fic about the hiatus.
Brendon/Ryan fic about them sorta making up, hanging out, but Ryan's old feelings get in the way and Brendon gets married.
Andy/Joe fic during the hiatus and Andy has really bad feelings.
Jack/Alex fic where Jack accidentally burns off his eyebrows.
William Beckett/ Gabe Saporta fic where Gabe goes to one of William's solo shows.
Patrick/Pete fic where Patrick was blatant about his feelings towards Pete, and they tried to work it out early on in the history of the band, but Pete wasn't into it. Then, during the hiatus, they hook up. Patrick has given up after that point, 100% and is getting married, but Pete is conflicted.
Zack/Vic fic where Vic and Zack sorta hook up, they're trogether but not really, then they get pretty serious, etc. All that drama. Then there's a huge fight, duh. Anyway, it's based off of another picture of the two, where Vic runs onstage and takes a selfie with Zack.
Jack/Alex fic where ATL visits the inner harbor/aquarium.

I have a couple Supernatural idea's, like, Dean/Cas but I'm not sure how to write it out.
Then I have some original fiction.

Okay, that's it.
May 2nd, 2013 at 09:15am