I'm 21. I'm in college. I live in the United States. Needless to say, I've seen plenty of creepy things in my day. Plenty. But absolutely nothing tops what I saw today. And nothing probably ever will.
It all started when I showed up to my Anatomy and Physiology lab, which is already gross enough. We spend our time dissecting dead cats and looking at gross things that haunt my nightmares more than Freddy Kreuger.
I'm used to seeing creepy things in that class. I'm used to being weirded out in that class. I mean, one girl was eating Doritos while she dissected a cat (which is so against the rules) so it really doesn't get much weirder than that.
But little did I know, my A&P professor is some psycho straight out of Criminal Minds. Up until today, I had a massive weird crush on him, but don't you worry, that's all over with now. Because I have learned what he is truly like. And he is truly crazy. Like kill your cat, stuff it and sleep with it at night crazy.
Professor Hotness walks in today and says, "Good news, everyone!" (just like Professor Farnsworth) "We're going to be looking at the cadaver today."
So yeah, we have this dead person in an ice box in the back of the lab. We all know about it, but we don't talk about it. We pretend she isn't there. Watching us while we cut her kitties open. But today we couldn't keep pretending and that is how my life became the horror that it is right now.
He walks us over slowly, and we're all standing around this big metal case. There's the people that are all up in there trying to get a closer look, and then there's the normal people like me who are trying not to gag.
So he opens up the case, and it wasn't just a dead person.
Let me get this mental picture in your head so I can turn up the creep factor a bit.
She had no skin, but everything else was there. It was like someone just skinned a person and put her in the case. She had eyes, ears, llips, muscles, organs, etc., but no skin. So you could see everything.
That's creepy enough, right? Seeing a skinned person is enough to freak anyone out. But it gets creepier.
There's this dead person with no skin, who is just muscles and veins and nothing else.
She really doesn't even look like a person anymore.
And then you get to the hands and feet....
And this is where it gets creepy.
Wrapped around her tiny, skinless hands and muscle covered feet are a pair of socks and gloves.
A pair of socks and gloves.
I have no idea why and I was too afraid to ask. All I know is that whoever put those little socks on her ruined my life forever. I will never be the same again, I swear.
There was just something so chilling about seeing those socks and gloves, and I can't explain it, but it felt like the world was ending. I wish I was kidding, but I bust out in to tears the second I saw those socks. Not just little tears, but body shaking sobs. I was an inconsolable mess all because of a pair of socks.
It was the weirdest feeling ever. I didn't feel sad. I didn't feel hurt. I felt like humanity had lost all hope and I just couldn't stop crying. All because of some damn accessories.
Some fashion expert decided that our cadaver needed striped gloves and tube socks, and I will never be able to get that image out of my mind.
I am... insanely creeped out.