If Today was Your Last Day

~Hey everyone!~

I was thinking about my last blog entry (11 Deep Thinking Questions) and there was one question stood out in particular. It was: If everyone you knew was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

As I was thinking about that question, I thought of how it could be reversed.
What if today was your last day on Earth? Would you tell anybody? How would you spend it? Who would you call, email or spend time with?
If I was to answer, I would probably send an email (I'm not big on phoning) to everyone who had really made a big difference in my life. Even if they were friends I had only known for a year, they changed my world, and I'm so grateful that I got to know them and be a part of their life.
I would hang out with my parents and siblings, recalling happy memories and just having a good time.
I wouldn't want to linger on the fact I only had a few more hours on this Earth.

If today was you're last day, what would you do? Everyone says "Oh, I'll get to it tomorrow." or the next day, or the next week. But the truth is, we don't get to decide how long we live. We don't get to decide what happens to us. That's just life... mysterious and unpredictable.
Car accidents, earthquakes, fires, gun shootings, ect - they all happen and are part of life. We don't get to decide whether they happen to us or not.

So I leave you with this, if today was your last day of living, what would you do?

Nickelback, If Today was Your Last Day
May 2nd, 2013 at 11:32pm