Can We Talk About Females For A Bit? [Warning May be TMI]


The first is my wife Megan Fox and second is my girlfriend/wallpaper AJ Lee.

Ok so I have this… fetish thing for girl’s stomachs. Preferably their belly button.

^That’s a poster I have in my college dorm.

Can we just… talk about females for a second? I just- ugh- they…

Their skin is so soft looking, and their soft features drive me wild… The female body is beautiful in all of its shapes and colors… Seriously… Fucking A…

Oh my God belly buttons… IDK why but whenever I see a girls belly I’m just: asjajrfion… And if it has a belly button ring: My God!


There are no words for how I feel.


I love it when girls have a little fat too, like I don’t like to see ribs or abs just their normal belly….

I have this crush in one of my classes and one day she showed me her belly ring and I almost jizzed in class…


1: Do I sound like a lesbian?
2: Any body parts you find attractive that you don’t think are normal?
3: Fetishes?
4: Can we just talk about how magnificent the female body is?!
May 6th, 2013 at 09:17am