It sucks, but it's life, and we all know that life isn't fair.

Annoying and/or cruel people are always purposely crawling under your skin just to get a reaction, just to get an angry growl or a teardrop rolling down your cheek, and if they're lucky, a new scar on your body. People who think they're high and mighty laugh at you because you're so different and because they think you don't belong. They make fun of you until your pride is stripped away and all that's left is an empty shell. They deliberately make sure to hurt YOU over anyone else to make sure that you don't get too cocky and rebel against them. They want to break you. They want to see you on your knees, crying so hard that you're unable to breathe. They want to see that anger that's twisted your face into an agonized expression. They want you to curl up in your bed and never come back, because they think that's where you belong... And then they laugh about it, tell their friends about their new accomplishment. The sad part is that I see and/or experience this nearly every day. It happens everywhere, and kids can't even cry out for help because it's not like the schools are going to do anything. Even if they tried, those kids would never change. They've grown accustomed to being in charge. Having power, having what everyone else doesn't have. They laugh at the misfits and pay or force kids that actually have a brain to do their work for them. Most of the teachers at my school were the kids with the power. The star athlete, or just an athlete in general. And oh, yes, the teachers have their favorites, because they were in that quarterback's place once. They were in that cheer leading team, too, short skirts and pom-poms flying. I know life isn't fair, but I wish, just once, that things could be right. That kids wouldn't have to lie about being sick because they're too afraid to go to school, whether it be because they're scared that they're going to get beaten up or that they're afraid of being pushed over the edge. So many people hurt themselves, even end their lives, and nobody does or did anything to help them. That's the case for so many people. Nobody deserves that. And to be honest, I'm sick of it. Now if only I could do something about it. But, I can't, so I guess this will just be perceived as another cry for help, but it isn't. This is the stone cold truth.
May 6th, 2013 at 10:09pm