Do Not 'Settle Down'

I don’t like when people say “You ought to settle down with someone,” or “you should just settle with what you have.” It implies that you should settle for the next person. How awful does that sound really?

It’s like if you were cooking a chocolate chip cookies and you don’t have any chocolate chips, you have everything else to make the cookies except the most important ingredient. Then someone comes around and says ‘just go without the chocolate chips and just make regular cookies no one will know you were going to make chocolate chip cookies.’ But you will know, you know that you settled instead of making a trip to the store. Sitting there eating those chocolate chip-less cookies you know it doesn’t taste the way you wanted it to because you didn’t have the patience to make that extra trip.

If you take that extra step to do things right, it’s all the more satisfying in the end. If you want some mother fucking chocolate chips in your cookies, get some mother fucking chocolate chips in those cookies. Don’t let anyone else dictate how you go about doing things.

Settle is just a horrible word and don’t use it when you find someone you love that you want to share your life with, it cheapens what you’ve found in another human being. Relationships should be a discovery not someplace you decided to sit on.

Indiana Jones that shit and find someone you treasure.
May 7th, 2013 at 03:55pm