Where to Start, Where to End...

Okay, I guess i'll just start with hi there. My name is Caitlyn. Um, I love My Chemical Romance and Johnny Depp, otherwise, there isn't much to know about me. I'm 13 years old, maybe that's one thing. My parents have been divorced since I was 8 years old. I dealt with it, as I had to, but what I can not deal with is my mother's boyfriend of 4 1/2 years. I hate, no, I detest him.
They have a cycle, him and my mother. They used to fight, he'd leave, he'd apologize, he'd come back. And that's how it was. It got to the point where it was a joke to everyone else if we were upset about him leaving. I was never upset. I knew better.
Then, one fight they had, he didn't come back. For a year, any way. My mother promised and swore to us that he would never again set foot into our lives. She even went on match.com and dated other people. Then one day, we saw him in the mall.
He knew I liked Johnny Depp, so he got me an autograph for my 12th birthday. I knew he had only done it to weasel his way back into our lives. He had never really like my sister and I. He's 50-something, and had already had his share of raising children. Two boys, he had. He's a big sports guy, so imagine how thrilled he must be to be raising two teenage girls, who both hate him by the way.
To him, we're just part of the package. My mother has not, and probably will not, ever see that.
My sister is probably the biggest prep known to man. In any other world, it would be only normal for someone like me to hate her. I don't. She is one of the only things that keeps me sane in this family. My mother and his constant fighting, is what helps us be closer, as twisted as that is.
We go to our dad's apartment once a week. Thursday, Friday, and half of Saturday. It's great because our dad knows we hate him so we can bash him while we're there as much as we want, to blow off some steam.
You may ask why we hate him so much. Well, he tries to act like my father, which he is far from being. He yells at me when it's not needed, and he loves getting me in trouble. He'll point out things I did wrong just to get me into trouble. He does not like me either, I can tell.
My sister and I don't speak up about their fighting, my mother's broken swears, or our hatred of him all because of my mother's happiness. She may not seem happy when their fighting, which is all the time, but I know she get's lonely, and I understand she needs someone there, besides children, though I hardly condone her choice.
I know my hatred for him will never die, it will probably only grow, like a wound or scar you love to pick at, it will never truly die, until you realize that it could be harmful to your whole body, and you quickly ignore it. This is what my mother has not yet realized. Until then, my sister and I intend to keep our mouths shut. If need be, we will wait until we go off to college, and find our own way in life, to tell our mother. Until then, I will keep you posted. Thank you for being interested. Comment if need be.
Your deepest, darkest friend,
Caitlyn </333
September 4th, 2007 at 04:02am