Back To Black As They Always Say.

Yeah, I dyed My hair back to it's original color. It wasent that off. Just had some highlights in it. That phase is over and done with. Let me tell you why I got the highlights in the first place.

I only put highlights in it to make myself feel prettier. Yeah I dyed it the day after valentines day because I asked this guy out. I figure, hey whats more romantic than valentines day? I bought him some roses, a bear and some candy. Yeah...he still said we should remain friends. I was so sad I didn't even go to school the next day. Instead I went with my mom to work then we ate out. I told her I wanted to feel better about myself. I felt like shit. Felt like I wasent pretty enough for him to go out with me. So she took me to a salon. I said I wanted highlights. Took the majority of my money, but I got them. And I felt so much better about myself. So the next day. (Two days after valentines day) I go to school basically saying "screw you. I feel great and don't need you." Even though I wish he was with me. He graduated and I don't see him anymore. Now that the highlights are gone, hopefully I can fully get over him. it's been 7 months and i'm still not over him. I wonder how long till I am. *sigh*
September 4th, 2007 at 04:09am