Mental Disorders Aren't Funny.

You know what really makes me angry? People who think that ADD and ADHD is funny. Let me clear some things up for you (These are REAL quotes I've heard):

1. "I don't have ADD/ADHD- OMG A SQUIRREL!!1 XD XD XD"

This just really pisses me off. I have ADD, and it is nothing like this. ADD doesn't search for things to focus on. It makes you UNABLE to focus on what you're doing. Imagine that you're about to do homework. You sit down and open your computer (Or books, I do online school), and suddenly your mind explodes into hundreds of thoughts and ideas. And however much you try to focus, you just can't. That is what it's like. It's not funny. It's not cute. What is it? It's insanely frustrating and horrible. I've had numerous breakdowns because of it.

2. "You don't have ADD/ADHD, you have access to internet lol"

Again. Unable to concentrate. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with internet. I could not have internet, and my ADD would still exist.

3. "My character will be more interesting if they have ADD/ADHD."

No. No. Nonononono. Mental disorders of any kind are not something to exploit to make your characters seem cool. Think about this: Does it contribute to the story? If the answer is yes, then you should put it in. If you're just doing it to create a complicated character, then no.

4. "People with ADD/ADHD are party animals!!"

Honestly? Where do you even get something like this?

5. "ADD/ADHD isn't a real disorder. It's just an excuse for weirdos to be loud and annoying."

This one really got to me. It is a medically proven disorder. And that's a hideously offensive thing to say to someone with either.

Well, that's it. I hope you're all a little more aware.
May 14th, 2013 at 06:07pm