
So tomorrow my friend Jess and I are going to do a verison of p90x that is free online and we watched one of the videos and it's going to be gruesome but we are going to be committed to it and not stop and every night we are gonna walk around our town after them. So I will write about how it goes everyday and tell you how much pain that is in. So I'm going to have Majorettes plus working out plus helping her with her CNA homework. We got a lot on our plate.

Now some random nonsense so I can hit that word limit thing that mibba has. On Saturday we have a majorette competition and I'm going to have like 5 costume changes, I have the team one and we are doing a Taylor swift type of thing with another twirling team and i'm a taylor and its like we are throwing on our clothes and changing quickly in front of people and it's SOOOO stressful we had practice for that today and I was surprised we could change as fast as we did let alone all the potatoes around.
May 15th, 2013 at 08:37am