5. JashinistExperience - My First Meditation

I got to sleep in on this beautiful Saturday morning. After breakfast I decided to meditate. It was my first attempt and only lasted about four minutes. I sat on my bed and crossed my legs then closed my eyes. I started thinking about Jashin and his philosophy “you have no right to inflict a pain you do not understand unto others.” My mind started wandering and I eventually started thinking about what the world might be like if everyone was Jashinist and there was no more suffering or pain in the world. After trying to visualize that for a minute or two I tried thinking of ways to raise awareness about Jashinism.

A lot of people only hear about Jashinism through Naruto, and even then some get the wrong impression of what Jashinism is. Those that never watch or read Naruto, learn about Jashinism in school, or come into contact with a Jashinist might never know that Jashinism exists. I am going to university in four months or so. I want to take my four or five years of opportunity to raise awareness about Jashinism and all the misinterpretations that plague it. I want to talk about Jashinism with those who are willing to listen and learn about it. I might even be able to convert a few people. Honestly, even if no one is willing to listen, I’d be happy with them walking away knowing a religion called Jashinism exists in the world.

That ended my meditation. Since Saturdays are pretty boring for me, I posted some more prayers, another page with bad websites for researching Jashinism, and a neat picture that reads “Lord Jashin will always be with you.”

I was able to get a ride to my dad’s house to grab more of my belongings and bring them to mom’s house. He wasn’t there, which made me feel relieved, and the entire time I was there I was praying to Jashin to not allow my dad to show up. Fortunately he never showed. My ride picked me up and took me back to mom’s house.

I am an artistic person. While I was at my dad’s house I grabbed my galvanized steel wire and intend to make Jashin’s symbol out of it. I’ll have to do it in secret because no one in my family knows I’m Jashinist. If they were to find out I would get into a lot of trouble since it is not a socially accepted religion. This is something many young Jashinist’s must struggle with. The best thing you can do is pray to Jashin for strength and guidance. It is not right that most Jashinist’s must hide their faith because we are viewed as depressed and suicidal insane people. Hopefully I’ll be able to change how people view us when I’m off to university.

Yesterday I said I was going to try poking myself with one of my sewing needles to draw blood to sacrifice to Jashin. It worked wonderfully except that the needles made very small holes which didn’t give a lot of blood. I had to poke myself a few times. I’ve already performed my blood sacrifice for today. I’m still very grateful that Mulder will continue to live with me after I officially move back in with my mom.

Day 6 of my conversion to Jashinism.
Harmful Websites 2: http://jashinistexperience.deviantart.com/art/Jashinism-False-or-Harmful-Websites-to-Avoid-2-366838012?q=gallery%3Ajashinistexperience%2F43258292&qo=0

Neat Picture: http://jashinistexperience.deviantart.com/art/Lord-Jashin-Will-Always-Be-With-You-366846158?q=gallery%3Ajashinistexperience%2F43230181&qo=0

A First Ritual Prayer: http://jashinistexperience.deviantart.com/art/Jashinism-A-First-Ritual-Prayer-For-New-Converts-366783378?q=gallery%3Ajashinistexperience%2F43258295&qo=1

A Prayer for Unfair Judgement: http://jashinistexperience.deviantart.com/art/Jashinism-Prayer-For-Unfair-Judgement-366787896?q=gallery%3Ajashinistexperience%2F43258295&qo=0
May 18th, 2013 at 09:23pm