6. JashinistExperience - The Commandments Essay

I had to wake up early this morning to go to school even though it is Sunday. I stayed up very late last night to finish my article on The Commandments of Jashinism. I very much enjoyed writing it. I enjoyed the amount of thinking I had to put into it in order to make the essay make sense to those who are non-Jashinist. I also enjoyed having to analyze aspects of the commandments and how everything relates to Jashin’s philosophies.

For the most part I’ve received optimal support. I did encounter a Jashinist in The Jashinst Temple who said the commandments are passed down from ancient times and do not need to be changed. I retaliated, stating that Japan didn’t start communicating with other countries until the 1800s. Jashinism most probably was not introduced to the rest of the word until that century. Ancient times depict 5000 years ago and up to 30 BC. Another reason I disagree that the English-translated (if they’re actually translated) commandments were not passed down from ancient times, but are very recent and influenced by Hidanists, is because the wording is incorrect. The written language of the 1800s does not coincide with the wording of the commandments.

I don’t mind debates. I rather enjoy them. It challenges my mind. Please read my article and let me know what you think. I love to hear others’ opinions.

I realized that today is day seven of my conversion to Jashinism. I converted on Monday morning. When I started counting the number of days I included Monday. Silly me. Tomorrow should technically be my one week anniversary. I don’t mind have two one week anniversaries.

I was rehearsing a show at school which is why I got up early. I’m not in the show. I’m a lighting and sound technician, but for this particular show I am a sound technician as well as the tech supervisor. I watch over the other two technicians and make sure they make their cues. They were so professional I felt unneeded. Since I’m their senior, they get to do most of the fun aspects of the job because they need experience. I’m just there to assist them. I felt jealous how much more involved they are with the show now then I am. I’ll have to pray for forgiveness from Jashin because envy is a sin.

Tomorrow I hope to finally present my slideshow about Jashinism. I can already tell I’m going to be the most enthusiastic person to present their religion/cult.

The Commandments of Jashinism article:http://jashinistexperience.deviantart.com/art/The-Commandments-of-Jashinism-366915848?q=gallery%3Ajashinistexperience&qo=0

I posted it on Mibba, but it's pending approval.
May 18th, 2013 at 11:07pm