
So the month of May has not been my cup of tea. Let's start off with the beginning of the month my birthday month, so my mom says I can throw a birthday party which is totally cool with me since this is the first party I've had since I turned 15, so I was really excited. But then my sister tells us she's pregnant, and wants to throw tantrums everyday just because she can and she'll get away with it by crying to my parents and they forgive her and it's all forgotten. Mid-May my mom cancels my birthday party the one I've been planning alone because everyone is so busy with my sister. then I find out I have to stay all day at school on my birthday which is from 7:30 in the morning to 6 pm. Then today my mom is being a pain because I didn't feel like doing anything with the family I wanted to go to out with my friends because if I'm not having a party, might as well go out. But of course my sister had to start complaing about we never do anything for her when it's her birthday. So we go to her favorite restaurant for <B>My</B>birthday dinner which happens to be in 3 days. So at dinner I don't even seem to exsist because everyone is talking to my sister about the baby and making it seem like it's her birthday. After dinner, we go get her favorite ice cream for dessert and I wasn't even offered any. So if that didn't upset me this sure did, on our car ride home my mom is upset with me because I "didn't contribute" to the conversations during dinner. well hello mother maybe if you directed questions, or even acknowledged the fact I was there maybe I would've "contributed"! So when we got home I changed and left to my best friends house, and stayed there instead of dealing with my family. When I got home I get yelled at saying I need to go to church and repent my sins, I tell my mom no, and I get kicked out! Like seriously? I don't want to go to church tomorrow and I get kicked out and my sister who is pregnant can stay? I'm currently beyond pissed!
May 19th, 2013 at 06:12am