8. JashinistExperience - Failed To Tell My Friend

I failed to tell my friend I am Jashinist today. I can't seem to work up the nerve. I don't know why it is so difficult. We pretty much share everything which each other. Perhaps it's a sign that I should wait a little longer. My friend is going through a lot right now because her dad is driving her crazy and her aunt just got out of the hospital and isn't doing that great. Maybe that's what I'll do. There is no rush to tell her after all.

That is pretty much all that has happened to me today with regards to anything Jashinism related. I did go to my dads to feed the cats over there. The place is a disaster area since he can't take care of his own house. When I left, I prayed to Jashin that he watch over my cats and protect them from whatever hell my dad might put them through.

Here's something you might want to try if you are a Jashinist and do not already do so: I find myself directing my thoughts towards Jashin everyday. Instead of thinking "It's a beautiful day", I think "Jashin, It's a beautiful day". Ever since I converted I feel a swirling tight warmth around my stomach and chest area. I've never felt it before and and I find I only feel it when I'm talking to Jashin. I like the sensation so much I talk to Jashin often.
May 19th, 2013 at 05:11pm