15. JashinistExperience - Catholic Songs

I had to work today. I had to supervise a music festival. All the groups of singers were choirs. I had to listen to quite a few catholic songs. It was very irritating, although I can admit the choirs themselves sounded amazing. If any of you consider yourselves skilled composers or lyricists, you should create a song about Jashin and post it on youtube that way we have something to sing and share with others too.

I've decided that this Saturday I'm going to try and meditate for 15 minutes. Or maybe I'll just do that tomorrow. I'll see if I have time. May is going to be an incredibly busy time for me. Chances are won't have a lot to post.

If you ever see something Jashinism related online, be sure to send me a link that way I can share it or re-post it. Even if you come across a great song with lyrics that fit Jashin or Jashinism let me know.
May 20th, 2013 at 05:25am