I Apologize

Hello Mibbians, I want to apologize for not updating my stories. I'm sure several of you have been wondering where I've gone to and why I haven't been posting new chapters. A lot's happened since I last updated my stories. I was busy with school, I got a boyfriend and life just got in the way. I plan on updating my stories more, only here's the thing, my computer's going to be gone for a whole week.

It sucks and I'm annoyed, but a piece of it is broken and it needs to be sent in to be fixed. I'll try to update as much as possible, but I'll only have my mom's school laptop, so I don't know how often that will be. Also, I plan on finishing the requests I took so long ago. It feels like a life time ago, but it isn't. Again I apologize. I love Mibba, but lately I haven't felt like writing, that is until today.

So please don't be annoyed with me, instead rejoice for I will be writing again. I have time for it again. Yes, my summer is here already and I'm so glad. School was really stressful. I passed all of my classes, but two of them gave me a lot of trouble. So what have you guys been up to?
May 20th, 2013 at 06:29pm