Hello everyone! If you're reading this, you are probably a reader of my stories I write on here! I decided to make this blog to let you all know it will be a few more days (hopefully) until I update my stories since my computer is being fixed. I should be getting it back today so I'm excited! Updates will be posted whenever I get my laptop back!:) They will be up soon I promise!

Also, if you want to know more of when to expect updates on my stories and such, I made a separate Twitter account that will pertain to all of my stories and when you should expect updated and stuff! You should all go follow me!!!! If you have an account, that is! And if you don't, you should totally make one! <3

My fanfic Twitter: @blownawayx

My personal Twitter: @tedddi_bear

Follow me?! xx I'll follow you back!:)
May 20th, 2013 at 07:40pm