Tornadoes... Here Last Night..... O.O

So, last night (May 19th) we had so many tornadoes in my state (Oklahoma). As some of you may know, I am absolutely terrified of them.

The first I heard of them was in Edmond and Luther. A few also happened in Little Axe, Carnie, Norman, Moore, Harrah, Prague, Meeker, and Shawnee...... (Where I live).

Let's talk about Shawnee for a moment. We were told the tornadoes were headed this way and we had started to head to the mall, because that was the only place that would let you in for shelter. Both Wal-Mart and my old middle school (my brother's current school, from which he is graduating tonight) have stopped letting people in for storm shelter. Soooooo...... we were heading for the mall when my dad got a text that they were evacuating the mall.

We were all freaking out, because we don't have a cellar and we had no idea where to go. Diane (My dad's girlfriend) had Eddie (her son) call his grandma to find out if the route to her house was clear. Travis (her sister's husband) was telling her which way to go which was just over a highway that the tornado later overturned Semis and whatnot.

We arrived at her mother's house unscathed and began watching the news, which added to my anxieties, just wondering whether our house was as unharmed as us.

Shawnee was on the news for quite a while where they were speaking of Bethel Acres, near a lake in Shawnee. It was a mobile home park. It was completely leveled. Gone. There was at least one fatality. It might be more by now, because last I heard there were two people unaccounted for.

We rode the entire storm out in Asher, where nothing happened.

We just got back this morning to find our house seemingly unharmed.

There are supposed to be more storms tonight, but I hope not, because 1. I am absolutely terrified of them and 2. My brother is graduating 8th grade tonight!
May 20th, 2013 at 07:57pm