The Mighty Fall update/Help me decide what story to write

Okay so I'm just going to be upfront about it all and just say that I'm not into this story line as I once was. I've got pre-written chapters but I've hit a roadblock and so far everything that I think of is crap. And I hate the idea sooo I'm thinking about scratching this story and starting a new Louis story. I just wanted to tell you guys what happened. I'm really sorry for bailing on this idea I just...I'm not into it. I do have two other ideas that I might try to write. And I'd like to know your opinion and have you guys vote on it. (as a side note kennedy's name will be the same and the story title will be the same)

the first option (a):
Kennedy is a youtuber (as another side note i get im using zoe sugg as a faceclaim but zoe and kennedy will be nothing alike...i just like zoe's face) and gets the chance to tour with one direction as their videographer. Plot ensues but I've got to keep some things a secret, ya feel?


the second option (b):
This will be an AU which features Louis, Harry, and Liam as professional football players and Niall and Zayn doing things (not sure yet probably musicians? or something? I don't know we'll see). Kennedy will either be a sports journalist or just a football/soccer fan and things will happen.

you guys give me suggestions and if I like an idea enough then maybe I'll write that one. I do have some conditions however, Louis will be the main male character and no underage. i really think that might be it...unless I think of something else.

I am terribly sorry about the original idea I had for The Mighty Fall but I don't want to commit to something I won't finish. Please give me some input, whether you want option a or b or give me an idea you have that you are willing to give up. I appreciate all of you taking the time to read this and help me out.

Also if you give me an original idea I like and I want to use it, I'll write you into the story! But if majority rules and a or b wins then I will use a random number generator and pick someone to be in the story. How does that sound?

Until next time,
May 20th, 2013 at 11:51pm