25. JashinistExperience - A Little of My Life

This might come out of left field, but I'm very grateful to have such great people in my life. The counselors at school are amazing. My teachers are superb. I might not have many, but my friends are fantastic. My dietitian and social worker are the best. Without these people I don't know where I'd be right now.

Today is my one month anniversary~ I'm very happy to have made it this far. Since there is a lack of structure in Jashinism, I tend to feel highly deterred from Jashin on my off days, but sticking with these journals and writing things about Jashinism always brings me back. I've never mentioned this before, but before Jashinism I was an Atheist. My mother forced me to attend catholic schools all through elementary school. She's not Christian. She told me she was making me go to those schools because she wanted me to decide for myself whether I wanted to be Christian, and make that decision without anti-christian's influencing me. Even when I was very young I thought the bible was a joke. I even took that bread, aka 'Body of Christ', and ate it even though I wasn't baptized. As I became older, I told my mom often I hate going to a catholic school. She started allowing me to miss parts of school on the days the school would go to church.

Back to Jashinism; before it, I never prayed or did anything to how loyalty for religious purposes. It's difficult for me to pray and meditate because those aren't part of my daily routines. I don't know how to make time for those things. It's especially difficult for me now because things are building up because it's the end of the school year, so time isn't on my side.

I'm in the process of choosing my university courses. While my main focus is to take Japanese language courses, I'm also trying to find courses that might touch on Jashinism.

That's all for now. I decided to share a bit more of my life seeing as how it's my
one month anniversary~
May 21st, 2013 at 04:13am