At last, I am finished!!

So after months and months of stressing over my thesis. After weeks of tossing and turning, and trying to grab as many books as I can and highlight as many paragraphs as are relevant. After several topic changes and worries over maybe it's not the right one. After two weeks of being hunched over my laptop, being covered in books and forgetting to eat and fighting with friends because they want me to go out. After ten thousand words of utter and complete shite, I AM FINALLY FINISHED MY THESIS!!!!

I am so happy, my back is aching, my hair needs to be washed but I just want to go out and have fun and party and just be able to relax without having this black cloud of thesis be stuck over my head in a constant worry.

Woooooo....I'm free!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 21st, 2013 at 04:39pm