I wasn't aware you can write blog entries on here. So I just wanted to say hey to everyone:)
I'll do a little questionnaire so everyone can get to know me a little bit.

What is today's date? Thursday, May 23, 2013

What time is it right now? 5:27pm


Nicknames? Jen, Jay, Pomegranate, Pomies

Where do you live? United States

What's your age? 19

Hair colour? Brown

Eye colour? Brown

Height? 5'3 (ish)

Shoe size? 6 1/2

Date of Birth? April 9 1994

What's your star sign? Aries

Element? Fire

How many siblings? Younger brother (Nick), Younger sister (Julie) and older stepsister (Jessica)

How many pets? 2 dogs and a lizard

Obsessions? Music, writing, laughing

Bad habits? Overspending, procrastinating

Phobias? Being pounced on, escalators


What makes you happy? friends, family, music

What really irritates you? When people don't close the door after walking into my room

What makes you sad? People I care about being hurt or upset

What makes you angry? Not listening

What makes you scared? Escalators

Who is your best friend? Marissa/Caitlin

Ever broken a bone? Yes, many!

What's the best advice you've ever received? Stay positive, never give up, someone will listen, life gets better and will never put you through more than you can handle

What trainers do you own? Don't

What was the last CD you bought? I buy CDs all the time, but I'm pretty sure the last one was Lights' Siberia Acoustic

What was the last book you read? The Hunger Games

Who was the last person you spoke to? My mom

What was the last thing you ate? A ham sandwich

What was the last thing you drank? Water

What's the best thing you've ever bought? My lizard

What's the worst thing you've ever bought? An IDog in like '06. Waste of money

What's the best thing you've ever been given? Care

What's the worst thing you've ever been given? Disrespect

What are your future goals? Becoming a teacher, moving out, and starting a good life

Describe your bedroom? Sponge green (blue/green) with a dark green carpet, posters on practically every square inch of my walls

What's your most embarrassing moment? I've had to many to pick just one, probably when I sneezed in school as a kid and it sounded like an elephant

Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? Not sure

Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? Oh goodness, celebrities ... Brendon Urie, Kellin Quinn and Alex Gaskarth<3

Favourite thing to do on a hot summers day? Swim and tan

Favourite thing to do on a snowy winters day? Lay on the couch in my pajamas and have hot coco

If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? 1) Cure cancer 2) Give my family money to pay any debt 3) Make world peace

If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? Everything happens for a reason, in my books

What's the first thing you think about when you wake up? Wow I don't wanna get up...

What exactly were you doing on September 11th as the terrorist attacks were being carried out in America? In school, and left early; I don't remember much

Have you ever been in love? Yes

Do you believe in the after-life? Nope

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Hopefully successful and starting a family

If you could choose your own death, how would you go? Die peacefully in my sleep or quickly; I wouldn't want to suffer

Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? Probably not

What's the funniest joke you've ever been told? UGH I HEAR SO MANY FUNNY JOKES A DAY! I can't choose

Do you have any regrets in life? Of course, everyone does, but not many

What advice would you give to a kid? Stay true to yourself, don't let others change you

Any hidden talents? I'm a decent writer

Is yours an 'innie' or 'outie'? Innie

Last job? Cashier at Walmart

Current job? Unemployed

Dream job? Bio teachers or author

Who is your hero? My Grandmother

Describe yourself in 3 words: Outgoing, sociable, smart


Favourite colour? Green

Favourite number? 27

Favourite animal? Frog/Lizard

Favourite sport (to play)? Softball/Swim

Favourite sport (to watch)? Baseball/Football

Favourite soap? Dove (Cucumber Mellon)

Favourite programme/s? Degrassi, I Just Want My Pants Back, and Regular Show

Favourite radio station? I don't listen to the radio unless I'm driving and forget my Ipod/adapter, so I dont have one

Favourite movies? Wayne's World (1 and 2)

Favourite band? Panic! At The Disco, All Time Low and Sleeping with Sirens

Favourite song? Ghost Man on Third - Taking Back Sunday, Little Miss Obvious - Her Bright Skies, Therapy - All Time Low, The Worst of Them - Issues

Favourite room in the house? My room

Favourite football team? Giants/Steelers

Favourite footballer? Null

Favourite famous celeb/s? Brendon Urie, Kellin Quinn, Alex Gaskarth, and Ben Ferris

Favourite board game? Sorry

Favourite video game/s? Resident Evil, Guitar Hero, and COD

Favourite PC game? Sims 2 and 3

Favourite food? Chicken Wings

Favourite fast-food? Wendy's

Favourite drink? Iced Tea

Favourite magazine? Alternative Press/Rocksound

Favourite place? My room

Favourite cartoon character? Pink Panther (does that count)

Favourite advert/commercial? The allergy one that's like 'I get red bumps and it starts to itch'

Favourite day of the week? Saturday

Favourite day of the year? May 11th (no reason behind it, I just love it)

Favourite season? Spring

Favourite car? Dont have one, my little blue Honda is fine

Favourite shop? Bath and Body Works (judge me later)

Favourite holiday? Halloween

Favourite girls name? Jasey Rae

Favourite boys name? Peter

Favourite country? Canada

Favourite smell? Vanilla

Favourite sound? Error messages

Favourite accent? Australian


Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Pen or Pencil? Pencil

Day or Night? Day

Cat or Dog? Dog

Summer or Winter? Summer

T.V. or Radio? T.V.

Brains or Beauty? Brains

Cup or Mug? Cup

Neighbours or Home and Away? None

Tea or Coffee? Coffee

Gold or Silver? Gold

Brush or Comb? Brush

City or Country? City

Red or White wine? Red

Early or Late nighter? Early

Early or Late riser? Early

Blonde or Brunette? Brunette

Scarey or Romantic movies? Romantic

Board or Computer games? Computer

Rugby or Football? Football

Half full or Half empty? Full

Long nails or Short? Long

Happy and poor or Sad and rich? Happy and poor

Swimsuit or Bikini? Bikini

Glasses or Contacts? Contacts

Salt and Vinegar or Cheese and Onion? Not a fan of either

Flowers or Chocolates? Flowers

Love or Money? Love

Hugs or Kisses? Kisses


What are you wearing? Black skinny jeans, a black tank top with a short sleeved red V-neck, white socks, underwear and a bra, and black Vans

What's the latest news? I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow morning

What's the weather like? Rainy

How do you feel? Content


Cried? Yesterday

Laughed? Today

Swore? Today

Lied? I don't know

Got drunk? Months ago

Read a newspaper? Psh no clue

Read your horoscope? My birthday

Had a bath/shower? Last night

Had a cold? A few days ago

Smiled at someone? Today

Gave someone a cuddle? Yesterday

Said, 'I love you'? Today


What is a turn on? Being funny, having a personality, and decent looks

What is a turn off? No personality

What physical feature are you attracted to the most? Eyes and smile

Best chat up line? Hey

What's the most irritating thing about them? They PMS 24/7

Could you live without them? Nope

Describe your ideal partner? Always there for me

What time is it now? 6:10

So there you have it, that's some info on me. I hope you check out and enjoy some of my writing!:)
Later, peeps
May 24th, 2013 at 12:12am