Skulduggery Pleasant

As many Skulduggery fans know, the book 8 cover was released today. This brought up a swell of emotions for me. If you haven't already seen it, I recommend that you go to Derek's blog and do so. Although, my feelings were not completely directed at the girl who lay limp in her teacher's arms. Instead, I thought about my childhood. Ever since I can remember, I have loved Mr. Pleasant. The utter hilariousness that accompanies him has always been able to brighten my day no matter what mode I am in or how sad I feel.

Haggard has always been my second home. The sanctuary is where I go for help, and Desmond and Melisa Edgley have always been there to provide me with a family. I have been taught about the magical community with Valkyrie. This is the second to last book, and the last book might be the end of my childhood. I had Harry Potter sure, we all did, but while Hogwarts left, the Cradle of Magic in Ireland didn't. That was still there for me. Skulduggery Pleasant will end next year, and I anticipate it with excitement and dread.
May 24th, 2013 at 09:27pm