5.24.2013 So It's Been A While.

Well. I can't believe it's actually been a year, not like you guys are reading anyway.
I suppose now that I've lived a while without Cess, my writing style has changed significantly.
I should also probably update you on that as well. I have a girlfriend. I've been with her for over a year and we live together, still in Central Ohio.

My life has started. It's completely different. It's done an entire 180. The fact I'm not fighting for her heart anymore and found someone that reciprocates my feelings is wonderful. I plan on marrying her at some point.

Cess though, I left in the dusk and dust of my memories. I WAS idealizing her. A lot. And being in another relationship make me take a step back. I guess this is just an update since I havent spoen to anyone in a year or so.

May 25th, 2013 at 03:30am