I need inspiration...thoughts, anyone??

Hi there...

So yea...dry in the creativity well yet again. Like, I am feeling too lazy to make an effort even for this blog. But I shall try...

So, I'm writing my next few chapters, right? But the thing is, it feels all wordy again. Guh, and I missed the update schedule yet AGAIN!!


...I KNOW, Yamapi!! Don't give me that look of JUDGEMENT, GAWD!!

The sucky part is, I know where I want the story to go. It's just putting in the information and making the transitions smooth and realistic...and I'm all stuck, and it's a yucky feeling and it makes my head hurt, and it...it makes me SAD!! SAD AND ANGRY!!


Yah know what?!?! Imma gonna crank this biotch out. Right now. TODAY. Cuz this is nuts. Maybe I'll make a little playlist to get me into an action-y mindset...Yea, I'm DOING THIS!!

Yea...YEA!! Writer's Block, you're not the boss of meh!! And you know what, W.B??? Yea, I'm TALKING TO YOU!

Cuz you have been cock-blocking me from writing.(whoa, does that make sense?!?!) But no! I am puttin' my foot down!! Next time you try to suck my creativity well dry into another long drought season

...ehem. Now that I got that out...

Hey, speaking of playlists, would you want to see what kind of stuff I listen to get into some moods? Like I listen to different things to get into...humm, like ACTION SCENE MOOD, or something like DEEP REFLECTION MOOD, or SAD SAD LARRY MOOD.

Well, let me know!! =) PEACE!!


This face can get away with murder. O_O
May 26th, 2013 at 03:14am