I'm thinking of trying something different...and new...

Hey peeps!

So yea, this all started when I was listening to my own playlist for action-y scenes. I found that when I was listening, instead of being able to focus on the chapter I need to update, I was thinking

"Huh...this would be cool if this happened right here..."
"Wow, what an epic kick-ass scene would that be..."
"K would totally do that here."
"Imagine a chase scene with this song in the background..."
"Yep. This is some PARKOUR music, right here..."

"I need to focus...What the hell am I doing?!?"

Yea, so I was thinking of posting a series playlists, but now I'm thinking I'm going to try something different and something I don't think I've seen here before. Just to try it, you know? But I'll do it once I'm all caught up with the updates and all that sassy jazz...

So today I woke up really disoriented. I forgot I didn't have school this morning, and kinda kicked out of bed like

But then I realized I didn't have to be up so early so I was all like

But yea, the update is coming along so I should be able to have it out soon enough. =) Take THAT, writer's block!!!

And here, just cuz I like being random and fangirl:

This man...let me tell you...

Hey mister, can you stop being so freakin' awesome? Like stop being so calm and kick-ass like in Kenshin?? LIke, stop being a dork?? CUz I can't take it.


Like come on...just STAHP being amazing. STAHP.
May 27th, 2013 at 04:50pm