Just another day at BR

Well besides the fact that when I had binders thrown at me the principals and superintendent thought nothing of it I have a lot more fuel behind this fire. The fact that I was called down to guidance today and was called out on my lack of math skills made today a horrible day! They know math is a weak subject for me and have always told me it`s okay to take the same course again if I need to. No, today I was blamed for failing and accused of not taking responsibility for my failure. Mrs. Dempsy was mortified when I brought up my learning disability and the matter that they didn`t honor my IEP until late January when it was still valid!! The look on her face was like she just drank a cup of poison and chased it with spoiled milk. I was even more shocked when she said I need to step up my game. Sorry, I am trying so hard not to have mental break downs every time I walk through the school! I do study for my tests and quizes! I just a harder time grasping the concepts! I apologize for asking a teacher for extra help and them acting like it`s 100% my fault I don`t know the material.
Mrs. Dempsy did have a lot of nerve bringing up my family`s financial status. She knows things are really tight but to use that against me (which was so freaking irrelevant) was so uncalled for and unprofessional. I wish I thought of a quick remark.
I know why I`m not doing well in school and why it seems like I`m slacking off. I am depressed and my anxiety has been crazy. I `m getting a little lazy too because it`s the end of the school year. I hate the majority of people in my classes too. I mean when some kid is calling you a ratchet asshole that sure motivates me to go to class.
I hate the way we are treated at school to! I mean prisoners have more independence than us!! Okay that might not be true but it`s sorta close to true. I heard a kid yell green card in the hallway and like six kids ran! I never imagined I`d see that in BR! xuvcjhdlgblfj I`m just so stressed.

I had to get this off my chest before I let it get at me. Thanks for reading.
May 29th, 2013 at 11:01pm