Tumblr Rant

Sometimes I don't even know why I still have a Tumblr... I love the posts and everything but I originally made this to help people and/or make new friends... But the only time my inbox lights up is when someone answers me or a mass send... I know I might sound selfish right now but everyone I follow gets cute anons or funny anons or even random sexual anons... Do you know how many messages I get in a month? The answer is Zero.. I've had my blog for over a year and I have gotten 1 not mass message.. It kinda makes me feel like a Tumblr failure.. I tell people that I'm always here to talk about anything; self-harm, suicidal thoughts, family trouble, anything. And I still get nothing.. I haven't even made one Tumblr friend.. I read all these stories about how they met their Tumblr friend IRL and, I'm not gonna lie, I'm jealous. I just want people to talk to, and be friends with.. I have friends IRL but no one that knows how i feel or can relate with how I feel.
May 30th, 2013 at 07:31am