Big Life Decisions.

I've been busy. School assessments and all.
I gave into society's pressure, and I'm taking a friend of mine to the school Ball. I guess it will be fun. I hope.
But that's not what this is about.
I've been thinking about my options for University for a long time.
I want to be a zookeeper, trained in Captive Wild Animal management. However, only one university in New Zealand offers it.
I originally thought, 'That's sweet, I live where it is, I could go to Auckland Zoo and volunteer. Future sorted.'
Nope. You have to get a placement at a zoo. 280 hours total, while you do the course.
Now I know for a fact that Auckland Zoo is the hardest zoo to get into in New Zealand, so I considered my options.
Idea! My sister, who lives in Christchurch, has started volunteering at a wildlife park there, and has now decided she wants to be a zookeeper too! I'll go down there, seeing as the course is distance learning.
Here is the dilemma. What if I don't get a placement at the wildlife park in Christchurch? That's what I really want to do, and it would be a huge life experience for me.
But there's so much up here in Auckland. I've lived my (still occurring) life here. I wouldn't know anybody in Christchurch apart from my sister and her fiancé. I wouldn't be able to see my best friend unless I came up for block courses. I would have to pay someone to drive my car down to Christchurch or get it shipped down. Too many variables.
it's just a scary thing to think about.
But I don't have long to think about it. End of July at the latest, then I apply for every wildlife park in New Zealand and hope I get into one.
On the plus side, things with Jake are going great! We talk almost every day about anything and everything. I just wish I could see him face to face. There are so many things I want to say to him in person, and I would like him to meet my brother and sister, and I want to hug him whenever he doubts himself, and I want to have our first kiss to tell him how much I appreciate him. There are so many things, and this distance between us limits us. But we don't really notice the distance, truth be told. At least, I don't notice it.
I've gone and made myself a little bit sad. Oh dear.
I'm going to try to write a chapter of Falling Souls in one or two weeks, if inspiration decides to come knocking at my door. Brain. Whatever.
It's normally Jake or something random I see, so it should be close.
Thank you!
(Determinately) rage quit this entry!
May 31st, 2013 at 12:41pm