I had a big/accomplishing day today!

Today I celebrated probably one of the biggest accomplishments anyone could get out of life. No, I didn't get married...sadly... I'm so lonely and desperate to find a boyfriend that it's starting to kill me. =/ But that's beside the point.

Ahem. Today I officially became a homeowner for the first time! I'll be honest for a sec. I didn't actually buy a real house. I actually bought a manufactured home, which in simple terms is a trailer/mobile home. I'll be moving into a manufactured home community (Simple terms: A trailer park) but it's actually a very well kept and neat looking neighborhood. You can hardly tell that the homes are actually trailers!

It all started in the middle of April when my parents and myself were just derping around on the internet looking at houses. I had intentions of buying a townhome while they were priced between 65-80 grand. Well, we came across what we thought was an actual house that was priced at $48 grand and wondered why it was so cheap. That's when my stepdad chimed in and said "It's a trailer! It's a double wide trailer."

So we began searching through places for sale in this little community, then took a drive through it for the first time. The following weekend they went and looked at a couple that were on the market while I was working and they came across one that they told me to look at. Nearly a week later, I finally got off work on time to go take a look at it, and it was love at first sight. Went back again that weekend to look again, and that's when I placed an offer of $45 grand where they were asking $49,900. The place had been on the market for barely a month, so I hadn't expected my offer to get accepted. Well, it did! So later that week I went to the bank to see if I could get approved for a loan of $32,000. I did!

Fast forward to today: After weeks of phone tag and nearly $15,000 worth of my own checks later, I now hold the keys to a place I fell in love with just a few weeks prior.

It's such a huge accomplishment, because tell me somebody that's in their 20's, working a full time job, able to own and pay a mortgage on a place they own, doing it all by themselves. With the economy like it is, many 20somethings still live with their parents (Okay, I'm 25 and I do) but I worked my ass off and saved up all that money, and look what happened: I own my own home! Most people my age go right into apartments with rent, and probably still have to pay more than I do.

Anywho...yeah...today was quite a big day in my life. Would you like to see it? I'll link some pictures. Note: these pictures are of the place in it's current condition. An older lady used to live there, so some of the decor and color/style choices for paint/carpeting are quite dated and ugly. My parents and I are planning on remodeling.

Outside shot with my driveway and garage.
12'x15' deck on the back, as viewed from in front of the garage.
Kitchen as seen from the back door off the deck
Another view of the kitchen
Viewing in fron the dining room
Master bedroom (The green carpeting is going bye bye from everywhere except the 2 spare bedrooms) This bedroom will get new carpeting and be my room.
Master bathroom 1: Corner soaker tub Who the fuck carpets a bathroom is beyond me. That will be going bye bye and ceramic tile will be put down. Then painting over that insane wallpaper.
Master bathroom part 2: the separate shower
Living room. Carpeting will be replaced by bamboo wood flooring.
Dining room Will eventually get a new paint job as well as bamboo wood flooring.
Hallway that leads to 2nd bathroom as well as 2 more rooms.
Will eventually become a guest bedroom or an office
Will become either a guest bedroom or an office

So that is it. My wonderful little home. It just needs some TLC from people living in the 21st century, and it will be turned into a cozy little pad. :)
June 1st, 2013 at 07:09am