Fireflies Flying Higher

The other night I stepped outside and was just gazing off into my backyard. I live out in the country somewhat so there's a big field and woods at the edge of my yard. I kept seeing little flashes of light above the tree line. At first I thought it was planes way off in the distance. With a closer look I realized they were lightning bugs. I thought it was strange how high they were. I'm not an expert on bugs, but all the other fireflies I've seen stay lower; they hover close to the ground. But these were up in the night sky, higher than the huge old trees. And it sparked a thought within me: why? Why did these fireflies suddenly decide to shoot up higher than the rest? Maybe they wanted to be safer from the human hands that tend to cap around them and admire them in a jar. Or maybe it wasn't out of fear, maybe it was out of bravery. They ventured up higher just simply because they could. I guess I'll never know why they did it, and in the long run I suppose it doesn't matter.
As humans, I think we tend to stay close to the ground like the fireflies. We are too afraid to fly higher, and escape the potential hurt from staying low. But maybe if we were like those brave lightning bugs, and darted higher into the sky, who knows what might happen? I'm sure whichever firefly did it first was scared; thinking "what if I go too far? What's up here? What if I get lost?" But none the less, if kept flying. And soon after, more followed, until the whole skyline was glowing. Maybe we need to light up our own skylines and fly higher than ever before. Get out of our comfort zone, and do something amazing.
June 2nd, 2013 at 01:33am