Board so ya

Well I'm board as hell, just took my SAT today and I'm feeling positive about it the practice book was harder. I'm also not feeling so well been feeling sick for the past week, and I must of sounded awful because the administrator watching the class I was in asked if I felt well enough to continue the test because of my coughing. Another thing a girl sitting next to me commented that I looked closer to death then life and that I should fucking get some sleep, I won't lie I got a kick out of that. I replayed by saying I know I need to sleep my girlfriend tells me that at least once a week. Though she was kind enough to give me her cough drops and quote "You must be incredibly dedicated to your learning, or just plain stupid" I also got a laugh out of that one my replay was "More stupid then anything else". I'm still in this grate relationship with this pretty girl who I actually fell in love with, I don't know what I did to get her but what ever it was it was totally worth it. She's really kind and such a joy to be with every good day is a day full of laughter. On bad days we try and help each other as much as we can some times we just need a shoulder to rest our heads on so we use each other and I know she'll do that for me and I'd do it for her too. She's so much fun playfully arguing about stupid things like school is one of my favorite thing to do with her, the thing I love doing with her is walking we mostly go to Cold-stone by our school and have ice-cream. Well I don't know what else I could say about her she's just so amazing. I was put in charge of my schools building project for the end of the year show coming up when the Advisor heading the project is absent or running a supply run. I'm not really happy about that but hey my Girlfriend's there and so are several of my friends so I'm just really hanging out with them instead of being a boss. The project it's self is fun though we're making statues out of cardboard based off of the famous Picasso painting "Guernica"
super fun I hope we don't have to destroy them when we're done using them my girlfriend is already predicting that her favorite one K-9 is not going to make it witch made her a little sad but she hopes the new one we're making, a house head we're calling Charlie makes it. I hope he does too but I have to say I'm trying to be as detached to these guys as much as possible. Hmmm what else is going on, well the year is almost done I wonder what advisor will be staying this year I'm willing to bet that the Voice advisor isn't coming back my five years at this school and I've always had a new one. Every scholar that's been there more then three years at my school calls the voice
advisor the Defense against the Dark arts teacher because we always get a new one every year. Well the advisors I know that are staying are two of the three Math advisors, all three of the science advisors, all four of the Humanities advisors and maybe the Spanish advisor, for sure the Latin advisor is staying he's been there since the school opened. It just occurred to me I'm pretty sure only a small fraction of you understand what I'm talking about or it's just me I don't know when I'm sick I'm a little off. Well my school isn't like all schools maybe I should write a blog about I'm willing to bet a lot of you reading this won't understand my school haha hell I don't understand it either and I'm a five year vet according to the Councilor at the school. Ya I might just write a blog on my school
June 2nd, 2013 at 03:39am