A Blog About Blogs

Before the new website people rarely did “journals” that was what they were called before they were turned into blogs. And maybe because the “dash” thing didn’t exist that I never really came across a lot of journals unless an author gave a link after a chapter in the author’s note.

Lately people complain about a lot of things going on like lack of comments and communication. I agree with that, but in my opinion I think authors should spend more time writing for a story or poem whatever your floats instead of making the Blog your diary. I get when people have something interesting to share, but I do not care about your everyday life.

All I see are blogs being made more than stories being updated or created. Maybe if people spent more time on writing on their stories then people would stop complaining about the lacks of comments… cause what gets comments? Regular updating!

I know I don’t get the same amount of comments I used to because I don’t update as regularly as I used to. I know that, so I don’t complain because I know it’s not the same. I make the best of it with what I have.

Maybe someone else’s dash has more story updates, but on mine it’s mostly blogs being recommended instead of stories.

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way because I’ve talked about this with several Mibbians and they feel strongly as I do. I don’t know. I want to get back into Mibba like I was a year or two ago, but it’s getting harder and harder. But I’ll hang on because I’m not just going to quit after all these years.

On other news… I have many new stories coming that will blow your mind (even though I should really stop making them because I haven’t finished anything).

Also Teen Wolf is back, and expect a Derek Hale one-shot or an update on Vices because that man is drop dead gorgeous.
June 5th, 2013 at 05:56am