Why do some Mibbians do this?

Now please, please, please! Before I get into this, note that I am not trying to come off as a bitch or insulting over what I'm about to say. Most of the time I post blogs because I'm curious about things or just don't understand them. Therefore I'm trying to gain some insight.

How come people feel the need to post half threatening things in their summaries? I'm sure they didn't mean to sound threatening at all and were just being silly, but......I mean I know Mibba staff has covered this issue, I'm just strictly curious.

Like here's an example........

"I own this story. Don't steal or I will do such and such or send such and such after you."

I'm just not understanding. I've always felt that if you tell people to not do something, that makes them want to even more. Plus I've never really saw the point because if someone plagiarizes your story, then that's what the report option is for and Mibba staff will take care of the issue accordingly.

I know not every does this. It's not even that big of a deal if people just do it in a joking, non offensive sense on maybe one of their stories, but when it is included in EVERY story, I start to wonder what's going on with that.

Like I said, I'm not trying to be judgmental. I'm just wondering the point or meaning behind it.
June 5th, 2013 at 11:02pm