"Common People" By the blissfully dead

There are a lot of things that I love so dearly about this entry. It's warm, witty, original, and so very very funny. I don't know, if a writer can get some good hilarity in their fic, then they get all the praise from me. Especially since it's sometimes a very difficult task.

The errors in this fic were either non-existent or very little. Of course this makes for better reading and just a more flowing fic. It was very good.

Oh! And - Danger Days Gerard! I loooooove Danger Days Gerard, and I think it's just soo good. (And I did ask for this - more brownie points!)

Uniqueness! I LOVED the plot. It's fabulous, like I've never read anything like it before. I think it's the whole social divide, it's so great, gah! (Again, something I asked for.)

I have to point out the hilarity again. I laughed so much at the last chapter, and then just the little lines dropped all the way through. It's genius. The god damn SMUT. Whoa. Her sex scenes are always the best, I promise you this. It was just, really cute too? She did everything I asked for.

I made notes to help me write this, and I wrote, "GERARD'S MOM - SOOOO GOOD." Because! WHOA. I love love love loved her. She was so real and so posh and snobby, but in a hilarious way. She was just, my favourite.

Another one of my notes - "RAMEN OMG," because Ramen! I love when authors make their fics link to real life events or thoughts from the band, and so yes. This was all win.

“I’m still waiting for that shiny diamond ring by the way.”

“Yeah, and I’m still waiting for you to take me out for dinner.”

“Don’t push it Way.”

“Fine, fine. We’ll go ring shopping tomorrow.”

“The biggest, shiniest ring there. You got it?”

“Yep. Now, about that ramen...”

This was, without a doubt, the most hilarious, endearing and cute ending ever. I loved everything about this fic and I promise it's worth a read.

Read it here .
June 6th, 2013 at 10:12am