Pro-choice vs Anti-choice [Abortion]

I have been and always will be pro-choice and have never, ever doubted my stance. I am thankful that I have two best friends and a boyfriend who share my views so we talk quite openly about it. Both one of my friends and I have agreed that if we got pregnant we would support one another while sorting out terminating it.

Because if I got pregnant right now, I would get rid of it. And I refuse to let any of the anti-choice people make me feel ashamed for that. Why?

1. I suffer from crippling mental illnesses and will be suffering from these for many years. I am on strong medications and in and out of therapy. I am just out of hospital after a suicide attempt. If I got pregnant I would not be able to cope with nine months of that, no way. Plus, I can barely look after myself now, how am I supposed to care for something growing inside of me or another human being after it's born? Am I supposed to have a child that will grow up with a suicidal, self-harming mother? Or more likely, I'd be pregnant and if I was denied access to a termination I would more than likely end up killing myself.

2. I'm broke as hell. Some weeks I choose to buy cat food instead of food for myself. When I was attending college, I had to pick between affording to pay rent and bills and food or pay for bus tickets to college. How exactly am I supposed to afford a baby? In case you didn't notice, there's a recession on. Diapers, food, baby clothes, a cot, a high-chair, baby proofing my flat and all of those things would be way out of my price range. And I don't want to raise a kid in an enviroment where they'll go hungry because I can't afford to feed them.

3. The foster care here sucks and I wouldn't want to put a child into that. Where I used to live there was a foster home around the corner and to avoid the people from there we had to walk the long way to school. The windows were always broken, there was spray paint and graffiti on the inside walls, the workers looked totally run down and the kids were either miserable looking or the kind of people who would beat the crap out of me if they saw me. I also wouldn't want a kid to show up years from now and be like 'Sup mum, why did you give me away?'

4. I don't want kids. It's as simple as that. Call me selfish and to be honest I don't really care. I don't want kids, my boyfriend doesn't want kids so why should we have kids? I don't even care if it's selfish or not, I want to focus on me right now in my life, focus on my relationship and my cat and a kid would pretty much mess that up. 20 years from now, yeah, but now? God no.

Feel free to share your thoughts, views or experinces. Though, please note if you just comment saying "I'm against abortion except in x situation" I won't even bother responding to you because in my opinion it's ridiculous if you think you can decide when and why women* should be allowed to terminate the pregnancy.

And also I used the term 'anti-choice' because in my experience people don't care about the baby after it's born, therefore I fail to see them as 'pro-life', especially if they want to deny abortion to women* who may die without them. I will only refer to you as 'pro-life' if you are against all kinds of murder, including self-defence, are a vegan, have never killed any insects or animals, are against the war and don't support the death penalty. You are welcome to call yourself 'pro-life' but I do not use that term.
June 7th, 2013 at 08:49pm