Hi/One Direction/Shameless Self Promo?

I haven't done this in about a month and that was ranting about douches who are self centered and annoying as hell.
This time it's just about One Direction. This really is shameless self promo, but whatevs. Everyone does it now and then.
Any who, I write One Direction imagines. Yeah not everyone likes them but that's why I wrote it in the title(clever). As I was saying I write One Direction Imagines upon request. I will do all of the requests. All you have to do is message me a name-the band member-and a scenario. Give me a little bit of time and pouf the magic dragon has done her work and you have just dated a member of One Direction for at least 2.5 minutes in your life. So I only post these in three places.
The first place is Polyvore where I make an outfit to go along with it whether you're on there or not (most of my requests are from there)
The mini One Direction site that is connected to Mibba. (it's very easy to sign up for-you need a mibba account/facebook/email/twitter-to sign up. Very easy)
It's on Wattpad too, but you can figure it out from there. My name is the same on there as it is here-piratetigerllama.
So have a great day and comment here/message me/go on polyvore/whatever just request!
June 8th, 2013 at 05:23am