Never give up hope or on a dream!!

I've had a dream,once. It went away. Then I made an other one. People said it wouldn't come true. So I gave up. On breathing. That dream was the only thing I had. I was lost and confused. The thought of not doing what I wanted to do crushed me!

After I have up hope. I didn't want to live. I wanted to die. I was dead.

My dream was to be a girl. I know it was stupid but it's my dream!

No one thinks of me as this broken spirt with no hope left. Well I have enough hope left to still have that dream only that one.

In our world it is not a dream. A dream is anything. A dream can be to smell a marker and get high. You can say anything you want it is a dream.

Let me get back on subject.

Don't give up hope. Giving up would/will make you feel dead! HOPE IS EVERYTHING!!!! YOUR DREAM IS EVERYTHING!! If you have no dream your life is going no where. Your dream can change everyday. It is still a dream and you still have hope. THAT'S ALL THAT REALLT MATTERS! I don't care what other people tells you.

I wuv yew!!

Give kinky cat kisseys for me!!
June 8th, 2013 at 11:37am