Things I LOVE in Stories (inspired by Zacky Vengeance;)


So I saw this pretty amazing blog earlier today, and for once it was positive and it really made me happy. I can even go on to say it made my day.
Why? Well, it made me think, "Hmm...yea, I like that about stories too! I wonder what else I like about stories..."

This is the said amazing blog by Zacky Vengeance;.

Well, here goes my own list!! In all the memorable stories I've had the pleasure of reading, these are some of what I loved about them:

1. The Unpredictable and the "OMG WHAT?!"'s

I really love it...I mean LOVE IT when a story keeps me guessing. I find it even better when I read an update and I am left speechless in my seat like

2. The Emotional Whip-lash

Okay, so this may be weird...but I love things that grab my emotions and yea, you know what? I'll say it; I love a GREAT cry. I love it when a story moves me to feel real emotions. Like, I love it when I am just overcome with joy for the character when they find a happy ending. I love crying with the characters as they mourn a loss. I love seething and being angry for the characters! I like being scared and being on the edge of my seat in a horror movie-style suspense. I love the adrenaline rush of a good ol' action-y battle scene! Yea, I LIKE IT!!!
It just makes the reading experience more real for me as a reader and the story has a life of its own.

So yea, writers, make me cry! Hit me with your best shot!! Make me ball my eyes out! make me start flipping tables! I'LL DO IT!!

SO come on! Hit me!! HIT MEH!!

3. The Development of Characters

So yea... IDK...but I like a fully fleshed-out characters, with flaws, strength, weaknesses and quirks. And I love it when I can see changes in them that are...I guess the word I'm looking for is subtle. When I say this, I don't mean it like the cliches of "I'm this emotionless girl that is committed to not love ever again" and at the end they fully accept that they are in love with the good looking love interest.
I mean things that the characters themselves don't even realize about themselves, and they go through the process of discovering these little traits about them. It could be something positive or negative, inspiring or devastating. It's interesting to see what they would do with these discoveries once they find them.

4. The Kickass "UMPH IN YO FACE" Moments

Ahhh, can't lie; this is one of my all-time favorite things in stories. When your favorite character, hero or heroine sorta-kinda shows up a character that absolutely had it coming. You guys must know what I'm talking about. Come on, I don't need a GIF for this one.

5. The Make-Over Scene

This kinda goes together with my #4, but it is also one of my guilty pleasures. You know when a certain character in certain stories, when they are deemed as the "not so pretty-n'-popular" and then comes a situation where they get a whole make-over done??? And the next scene is them dropping jaws left and right because they are just SO EFFIN' GLORIOUS?!?! YESH, OMG YESH!!!

Yep. I admit it. This is one of my favorite things. Like in the movie, Miss Congeniality when Sandra gets a make-over overnight and then came the long-waited Slo-Mo cam and wind-blown glossy hair and the LIKE A BOSS strut...yea....I likey. I love that strut.

Do it. Like it. LOVE it. Go ahead and turn heads

Grr...I feel like I have a lot more, but I don't have the time right now. =/
But yea, so this is my little list!! Feel free to make your own blog of lists, or whatever!! or comment and let me know what YOU like in stories!!!

Well, I gotta go!
June 9th, 2013 at 04:23am