Mibbians I love | Writers block- help?


my bbgirl debzorah. she's been my best friend for six or seven years, been with me through thick and thin and even though shit has gone down and we've both had hard times in our lives, we always have each other. She's the bestest best best girl in the world, together we kick ass both online and in real life. We game together, fangirl together, cosplay together, sleep together (;D) and she's just my sister, my twinnie. Plus she's an amazing writer and just, ugh, gush~


Nickykins is my lil best friend from Texas, aka awesome possum and together we're gonna make me a sherriff and take over the world and all y'all are gonna have to deal with that. He's basically amazing and one of the best people ever and if any of you ever need to find someone reliable, then turn to him. K? <333

dru is on fire.

Dru! If you don't know Dru then you are missing out! the internet is her bitch and she basically can kick ass. She's also an amazing writer as well as friend and her idea of sending me a care package is a load of alcoholic shooters (srsly tho that would be amazing x1000 such a good idea. all care parcels must be alcohol). Also she's helped get me into feminist stuff too, so yes amazings go love her.

cadaveres literarios

Lee, wonderful Lee~ She is most awesome, also kicks butt and knows all sort of osm clever stuff about psychology and feminism and dachshunds. Also, she likes Batman and Deadpool so really, what more could you want? Y'all should all be jelly cos I consider myself lucky to know her so yeah awkward fangirls

The Color Abi

One of the most amazing photographers out there. Abi is totally amazing and seriously admirable the way she handles herself when people try and give her shit. She's one of those people who isn't afraid to follow her dream and that just makes her so amazing and let's not forget she's ridiculously pretty as well~

angus young

Scottish mibbians ftw! Ella is awesome and not just because she's Scottish (mwahaha). She has amazing taste in music and she's so passionate about it too, plus she's into video games and that's always plus points. She's also one of us awesome people who kicks feminist butt and helps educate people. We're gonna take over the world, bwahahaha. Also I've met her in real life more than once so I win at life, ten million points to us.

If I've forgotten someone then you're either Satan or I forgot.


I have really bad writers block right now, so if anyone could leave some tips or hints or help or anything at all in the comments to help me, I would appreciate it 5ever. Or if you can't do that or want to help any more, if you could comment on any of these stories of mine, it may help motivate me into writing. I'm desperate here, ok? Help meeeee

Peace off~
June 10th, 2013 at 03:07am