Smut Please

How does an FBI smut sound to you?

Man smut.

With guns.

And blood.

Psychological issues.


And sex.

'Cause I haven't seen many fics revolving around crime and FBI agents getting it on (well, not plural, but someone involved in the FBI getting involved with a chef and don't judge me because I've been watching Hannibal and it has ruined my life and asdfghjkl Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy are really hot and I ship the two and where am I even going with this oh right I'm basing this story on them without the cannibalism ehuehuehuehue) and I'd like to know if it would interest anyone. It won't make me stop from posting it, but I wonder if it would sound like worth a read.

June 11th, 2013 at 03:33am