Where's Antidote. at?

So I tried clicking on her profile but it says she's not active ): did she delete her account or is banned or something? she never said anything to me about leaving waaaaahhh girl where are youuuuu?

I sound like her stalker or something but I'm genuinely worried as to what has happened. I hope she hasn't left because she was awesome and I could talk to her about anything, we really got on ): does anyone know? should I put out missing pictures or something?


No one ever left me before this is why I am handling this so difficult! I hope she doesn't come back and think I'm stalking her hahaha.

ANYWAY, was also browsing through Mibba and came across the idea of trying out for Mibba reviewer. I would love to have that job and become more involved with this site but I'm not sure I could do it :/ or would be good at it. I wish I was more confident to do it but owell.

lastly, will be posting another chapter to my At your Service story so keep a look out and if you enjoy maybe you could sub/rec/comment?

June 11th, 2013 at 10:27pm